Overview - element descriptors
In some cases you - as an integrator - migth want to use the raw document format instead of using the editor and fetch the document from the created project. Some example cases could be when you want to set custom headers and footers to some of your users or you want to create complex or dynamic element.
We can distiguish two main element descriptors, from which a whole document can be composed. These two main types are the containers and the leaf elements.
Every element has its type property. The possible values are the followings: “BOX”, “MULTICOLUMN”, “ROOT”, “TEXT”, “TITLE”, “IMAGE”, “BUTTON and "FULLWIDTH_CONTAINER”.
Containers are used to group some elements and define the layout of the project. You can put any kind of elements into containers, so these elements can be other containers and leaf elements as well.
"type": "BOX",
"margin": {
"top": 0,
"right": 20,
"bottom": 0,
"left": 20
"padding": {
"top": 10,
"right": 10,
"bottom": 10,
"left": 10
"border": {
"top": {
"style": "solid",
"width": 1,
"color": "#aabbaa"
"right": {
"style": "dotted",
"width": 2,
"color": "#aabbaa"
"bottom": {
"style": "dashed",
"width": 3,
"color": "#aabbaa"
"left": {
"style": "none",
"width": 0,
"color": "#aabbaa"
"background": {
"color": "#00aaff",
"image": {
"src": "http://startups.hu/images/logos/edmdesigner.png",
"repeat": "no-repeat",
"position": "top center"
"children": [
Boxes are great to hold other elements together, give them margins, paddings, borders and/or background. You can put elements into the “children” array. The other properties are quite self-explanatory. All of the properties are optional, if you don’t set them, their default values will be used.
"type": "MULTICOLUMN",
"cols": [
Multicolumns are the main elements to create complex layouts. They can have multiple columns (we support max. 5 in our editor) and every columns can have children.
The arrays in the “cols” array represent the columns. You can put up to 5 columns into a MULTICOLUMN.
"type": "ROOT",
"children": [
"leftChildren": [
"type": "BOX"
"order": "LTR",
"twoCell": false
"type": "TEXT"
Every document starts with this elem, as this is the top parent elem. It contains a full width container as a child what has a box inside as a child. It has no other property out of the children field. ({type: “ROOT”, … }) In the near future - when we will introduce the full width containers - it will change a little bit.
Full width container
"order": "RTL",
"twoCell": "true",
"leftBackgroundColor": "#aaaaaa",
"rightBackgroundColor": "#FF0000",
"leftChildren": [
"rightChildren": [
The main feature of this element type will be that the background color can be full width, not only 600px as the root element. It can only be a direct child of the root, so can be placed only in the highest level of the document structure. A fullwidth container can have 1 cell, or one left cell and one right cells divided from the middle. The cells can have their own background color. The elem can be set “left to right” or “right to left”. In case of “left to right” setting the left cells will be ordered on the top if there is no enough room for both in the same line. In case of “right to left” the right cell will do so. If the element is set to be 1 celled, the order property determines that which cell is displayed. The content of the not visible cell always will be stored so will never be lost only not displayed.
//TODO in left and rightChildren: …any element except root and fullwidth container… values of order: RTL LTR
twoCell values can be booleans or strings “true” or “false”
Leaf elements
Leaf elements cannot have any child elements. These elements are typically the content elements.
"type": "TEXT",
"text": "yo <i>this</i> is Sparta",
"typography": {
"text": {
"lineHeight": 14,
"color": "#000000",
"size": 14,
"family": "arial"
"h6": {
"lineHeight": 14,
"color": "#000000",
"size": 14,
"family": "arial"
"h5": {
"lineHeight": 14,
"color": "#000000",
"size": 14,
"family": "arial"
"h4": {
"lineHeight": 16,
"color": "#000000",
"size": 16,
"family": "arial"
"h3": {
"lineHeight": 18,
"color": "#000000",
"size": 18,
"family": "arial"
"h2": {
"lineHeight": 20,
"color": "#000000",
"size": 20,
"family": "arial"
"h1": {
"lineHeight": 22,
"color": "#000000",
"size": 22,
"family": "arial"
"link": {
"color": "#abcdef",
"underline": false
"spacing": {
"left": 5,
"bottom": 5,
"right": 5,
"top": 5
The text element must contain 2 fields: ‘text’ what can contain html code, but you should not put very complex things in i, and the 'type’ with constant 'TEXT’.
In our editor we enable the simple text formatting options (bold, italic, underlined) and lists (ul, ol) and some other very simple things like h1, h2, h3. The 'linkColor’ and 'linkUnderLine’ specifies the links styles for those <a> tags what has no inline style. The defaults values can be found in the example below.
The typography and the spacing properties are quite self-explanatory.
"type": "TEXT",
"subType": "TITLE",
"text": "yo <i>this</i> is Sparta TITLE",
"typography": {
"text": {
"lineHeight": 14,
"color": "#000000",
"size": 14,
"family": "arial"
"h6": {
"lineHeight": 14,
"color": "#000000",
"size": 14,
"family": "arial"
"h5": {
"lineHeight": 14,
"color": "#000000",
"size": 14,
"family": "arial"
"h4": {
"lineHeight": 16,
"color": "#000000",
"size": 16,
"family": "arial"
"h3": {
"lineHeight": 18,
"color": "#000000",
"size": 18,
"family": "arial"
"h2": {
"lineHeight": 20,
"color": "#000000",
"size": 20,
"family": "arial"
"h1": {
"lineHeight": 22,
"color": "#000000",
"size": 22,
"family": "arial"
"link": {
"color": "#abcdef",
"underline": false
"spacing": {
"left": 5,
"bottom": 5,
"right": 5,
"top": 5
Title elements are just like texts, but we enable the users to set only h1, h2 and h3 as formatting.
The title element is derived from the text element.
Images are relatively complex elements. Just like boxes, they can have paddings, margins, borders, background color (no background image), but they can’t have children. They have their own, special properties as well:
- src: the url of the image
- altText: the alt text
- link: you can wrapp in a link to your image with this propery
- originalWidth: the original width of the image
- originalHeight: the original height of the image
- width: the scaled width of the image (how width should it be in your newsletter)
- height: the scaled height of the image (how heigh should it be in your newsletter) - this is a must have property if you want your newsletters to render nice on outlooks
Button is relatively complex as well. It can have the following box properties: paddings, margins, borders, backgrouns (color and background image as well). In addition it can have radius. Baically button is a fancy link, so it has the following properties as well:
- text: the text what sould appear (it can be a simple html snippet as well)
- href: the link.
- sizeType: “FIXED” - exact amount of pixels, “FIT_TO_TEXT”: the width will be based on the width of the text
- width: num of pixels if the sizeType is “FIXED”
Tutorial | Description |
The Basics | In this tutorial you will learn about our dashboard, the access token generation and the very basic functionalities, like creating and opening projects. |
Admin Functionalities | The biggest take away of this tutorial that you will see how to create new users in our system, so you will be able to associate one user for each of users in your system. |
Old Built-in Gallery Configuration | In this tutorial you will learn about how to set up the gallery properly, how to implement the hooks on your side and you will also learn about the security of these hooks. |
Other documentations
Document | Description |
Basics | This documentation covers the very basics of the integration, like:
Advanced | This documentation covers more advanced topics. Probably you will only need some of these functionalities.
postMessage API | By reading this documentation you can learn about how to manipulate the editor itself from the client side. Basically this client side API is based on the postMessage function with which you can send messages between frames from different domains.
Element descriptors | A detailed description of our element types used in projects and favorite elements. We generate all of our outputs based on these JSON descriptors. |
Old built-in gallery | Don’t use it. Use the new postMessage based solution. |
Migrating to the CDN based editor | In this article you will learn about how to migrate from the good old version of the editor to the superfast and robust CDN based version. |
Example implementations
Our PHP examples are very well maintained, but the others are probably not up-to-date. Still, they can be a good starting point, but you might want to take a look at the PHP examples as well in the meanwhile.
- PHP example
- PHP admin example
- Node.js example
- Cold Fusion example - Thank you Tom Chiverton from Extravision! :)
- Django example - Thank you Ferenc Vehmann from ZenHeads! :)
If you have another example implementation, please let us know, we will fork it and will put a link here.